Planar R + G + B + NIR output for RGBNIR cameras like JAI LQ-201-CL, LQ-401-CL or SW-2001Q-CL from the Sweep+ series

  • The attached VA design is a simple example for color plane separation for RGB+IR intput and separated output. The example is made for CL-Medium 4 Tap 8 Bit cameras sending the data interleaved i.e. R + G + B + IR in the four taps. It works for the JAI Sweep+ series or RGBIR cameras on the Silicon Software mE5-MA-VCL FPGA frame grabber but can easily adapted to others.

    The example uses the straight forward solution. There are many other options using a single DRAM operator for implementation only. The actual best solution depends on the requirements.


    Johannes Trein
    Group Leader R&D
    frame grabber

    Basler AG

  • Johannes Trein

    Changed the title of the thread from “Planar R + G + B + IR output for RGBIR cameras like JAI LQ-201-CL, LQ-401-CL or SW-2001Q-CL from the Sweep+ series” to “Planar R + G + B + NIR output for RGBNIR cameras like JAI LQ-201-CL, LQ-401-CL or SW-2001Q-CL from the Sweep+ series”.
  • A similar but much easier example is using the same camera input but uses one interleaved BGR and one IR output in separated DMA channels.

    The attached VA design can directly be build and used in microDisplay. The attached VA example will show how to synchronously get the images and write RGB and Gray TIFF files to disk.



    Enable the build in simulator so you don't need a camera.

