How to Register?

The VisualApplets forum is for VisualApplets users. To register for the forum you need an invitation code. Maybe you already received an invitation code through our mailings to VisualApplets customers. In this case you can directly register to the forum. Click here for the registration page: REGISTRATION

If you don't have your invitation code right now please request one by

  • Using the online form. We will check the information and once acknowledged we will send you the code. CONTACT FORM
  • Contact your sales representative at Silicon Software or your reseller.

During the registration process you will need to define a user name. This user name can be seen by others. You can chose any name and hide your identity if you want to.

We will also ask you for some personal data during the registration process. Such as your name and company name and your distributor/reseller where you purchased your VisualApplets dongle from. Most important is the VisualApplets dongle number. The number is printed on the dongle. A second option is to obtain it inside VisualApplets. Click on Tools -> License Manager.

Note: This personal data is not public to the community and can only be seen by Silicon Software staff. We need this information to ensure that you are an actual VisualApplets user.

After you have completed the registration form click, on Submit to finish the process. Next, you will get a confirmation e-mail for validation. Welcome to the forum!

You can change your personal settings in the control panel. These are some personal data, avatar image and signature.
