Posts by pierchiesa

    dear all, attached here you ave a design where with a digital IO I can remove images.

    In this applet image is removed if:

    "The control whether an image is removed is made using the binary input link Rem. If the very first pixel of Rem is value 1, the image is removed. If the pixel is 0, the image is forwarded to the output."

    my task is to remove an image if any of the pixel of Rem input is 1.

    Basically i have a camera producing images , if during this image flow from Camera to PC DMA a digital output rising edge transition is detected the image has to be removed.

    Is this possible?

    I have no idea...

    many thanks




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    Dear all, in order to clean an image I have to replace 2 adiacent line

    Basically replace the 2 lines with an average of 2 line above and 2 line below or something similar.

    Attached hee is my implementation where I’m using 2 different kernel and thisis resource consuming

    Can you suggest me alternative in order to use only 1 kernel

    attached here my sample and a test image

    best regards




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