Posts by MatthiasR

    Dear pangfengjiang,

    if the image you are grabbing is already too large for the memory, you will not be able to avoid a larger grabber.

    Have you already looked at the examples under "GeometricTransformation"? This describes the geometric transformations, including rotation.

    You should find an example in: C:\Program Files\Basler\VisualApplets_3.3\Examples\Processing\Geometry\GeometricTransformation

    Best regards



    The image simulation after the threshold does show a result.

    What makes you think that it does not work?

    Have you already changed the threshold, since you are working with 32 bit? It could be that a threshold of 255 does not bring the desired results.

    To the best of my knowledge, however, this is how it should work.

    Best regards


    Thanks for the answer!

    In the meantime I have fixed my problem and also discovered my error with "CreateBlankImage".


    First you have to create the connection to the component and adjust the size. After that you can also set the device to more than 11-bit numbers.


    The Image size of Coefficient Buffer is limited due to DRAM size. This may be a reason for the problems you observe. The operator Create Blank image does not have this restriction.

    Regarding the "CoefficientBuffer". The maximum size of the readable .tif files is thus limited to 1024x1024 maximum. My thought was that as long as I stay below/equal 64-bit and still have RAM available in my project I can make the .tif file as big as I want.


    I'm currently desperate. On my applet I am dealing with very large images (width: 15360 pixel). It often happens that the building components of VisualApplets only allow 11bit (1024 pixel). Is there a possibility to increase the bit width?

    I noticed this with the building blocks:

    - CreateBlankImage

    - CoefficientBuffer

    Thanks for the help.