Posts by Sangrae_Kim

    Hello Johannes,

    I tested nvJPEG library.

    The result is after decoding on the GPU. (50 % jpeg compression)

    ** Test Result : 2048 x 2048 = 150fps , 2048 x 1024 = 295fps
    For the information,

    The nvJPEG image buffer consists of each RGB channel.

    So we need to merge each channel in CPU side again for 24bit image.

    I don't have enough experience with GPU processing and multi core processing .

    Step 1 : FPGA(encoding) Got Full speed (2048 x 2048 = 150fps)

    Step 2: GPU(decoding) Got Full speed (2048 x 2048 = 150fps)

    ** Without copying memory from GPU to host

    Step 3: Copy image data of each channel from GPU to HOST memory. ( decreased frame rate)

    ** Just copy Red channel only ( 2048 x2048 = 140fps) copy Green&Blue channel (decrease frame rate more)

    Step 4: RGB Color merge

    This is the test result so far.

    I need more analysis of Step 3 & 4 for increase speed.



    I am testing New Color Jpeg Operator.

    Is it possible to build with Design Colock 170MHz in VCL?

    The Build does not succeed with design clock 170 MHz in our environment.

    Here is environment.

    -. ISE 14.7

    -. VA 3.2

    -. Test example : \examples\Processing\Advanced\JPEG\mE5-MA-VCL\

    So I tested with Desing clolck 125MHz.

    The build was sucess and we can get jpeg(include header) image in microDisply.

    In the next step, we created jpeg viewer using "Jpeglib Turbo" for fast Jpeg decording.

    Camera : Basler acA2040-180kc

    -. 8tps 82MHz 2048 x 2048 , 150fps

    Image size : 1024 x 1024

    Result(before decording in microDisplay) : 295fps (quality 50%)

    Result(after decording in our program) : about 280fps (quality 50%)

    Image size : 2048 x 1024

    Result(before decording in microDisplay) : 295fps (quality 50%)

    Result(after decording in our program) : about 145fps (quality 50%)

    Image size : 2048 x 2048

    Result(before decording in microDisplay) : 150fps (quality 50%)

    Result(after decording in program) : about 72fps (quality 50%)

    Visual Applts is not performance related, but is there a recommended decording library for increase decording speed?


    Dear All,

    If there is a basic example, I will refer to it, but It can not found example in VA3.1.

    I think that the part for image acquisition is not simple.

    so can I get basic acquition design for Line Scan Bayer Camera?

    we will use EV71YC4CCP1605-BA0 of E2V.

    Interface is CXP.
