Posts by dxs

    Hello everybody,

    is it possible to read the exact FPGA frequency using the SDK?
    I know I can read FG_FPGA_CLK. but this is int only. In my Applet, I have a design frequency of 312.5 MHz, in MicroDisplayX this parameter reads 312 MHz. Which one is true? I have to calculate some timer settings based on this value, so it has to be as accurate as possible.



    Hello Björn,

    thank you for your reply. I'm not sure what you mean by the CXP12 Impulse CX4S-HEP board - there's no such platform availabe in my Visual applets installation.

    I have an imaWorx CXP-12 Quad Framegrabber. I also did load the HistogramThreshold Example, changed the platform to my framegrabber and adopt the required changes (CxpCamera instead normal Camera, LineBuffers instead of Imagebuffers, see also the va file in my post above).

    However, if I build the applet, the output images are not in sync / incomplete. How can this be fixed?

    Thanks and kind regards,



    is there a solution to make the HistogramThreshold example working on an imaworx framegrabber with CoaxPress Camera?
    (Details in the post above).

    Best Regards,

    Dear Björn,

    thank you for your hints. I redesigned the applet with lower parallel path from the beginning, and also introduced a second buffer in the path where one frame is removed (according to the example, where this operator is used in the same way I'm intending). However, the problem remains.
    As far as I understood your second proposal (using the register operator): Is it possible to "distribute" the value of the last pixel over the whole frame? If so, is there an example available?

    Thanks and best regards,



    For one of our application, we'd like to use the ExpandPixel Operator to use the result of FrameSum to apply it to the whole frame. As the result is available in the next frame, I remove the first picture and route the "normal" image through a linebuffer to have both images ("normal" and FrameSum as total Frame) in sync. However, when testing in MicroDisplayX, there are many "incomplete" Frame transfers. How can this be fixed?


    Hello Kevin,

    we're using the Python SDK in a larger software framework, which is mainly written in Python 3.10.
    For now we've to split up (& maintain) the parts for different Python versions for integrating our camera/framegrabber setup.

    Kind Regards,



    is it possible to set (dynamic) Parameters from another source within the applet?

    E.g. if I want to set the size or offset parameters of the ROI operator based on some calculations (either from a previous image or from an external input).



    I'd like to exchange data with a trigger system (imaworx framegrabber) and am looking into the different possibilities. I came across the RS485 operator.

    Is there an example for the RS485 Operator?

    Are there some other possibilities to read in data using the GPIO Ports?



    I'm still struggling getting our CoaxPress Camera to work using the Python SDK wrapper.

    I'm starting from the example, where I added the Code to connect the Coaxpress Camera and set the resolution to 1280x800 (native resolution of our camera).

    The applet used is "Acq_SingleCXP12Area".

    There I'm getting the following (strange?) behaviour:
    When leaving the setting for useCameraSimulator on "True", I get an Image with the generated pattern and - in the right area of the image - a scrolling image of the actual camera image (see screenshot attached). However, when switching useCameraSimulator to "False", I do not get any image content at all (just a black window; the callback function is not called any more)?!

    Do you have any hints to make the script working correctly?



    is there a simple way to record a Video such as .avi file from the Framegrabber - in my case using a CoaXPress Camera - without using the SDK (e.g. in MicroDisplayX or other Software)?

    If not, is there an example how to record a video (avi) file using the SDK?


    I was on the right track - just a few more commands to make it work (right before the FgApcControl:

    sgc_init_flag = 0
    (err, sgc_handle) = s.Sgc_initBoard(fg,sgc_init_flag)
    portMask = s.PORTMASK0
    discoveryTimeoutms = 5000
    (sgc_ports)= s.Sgc_scanPorts(sgc_handle, portMask, discoveryTimeoutms, speed)
    cameracount = s.Sgc_getCameraCount(sgc_handle)
    (err, camhandle) = s.Sgc_getCamera(sgc_handle, 0)
    err = s.Sgc_connectCamera(camhandle)
    err = s.Sgc_startAcquisition(camhandle, 1)

    I'm trying to use this script for getting images from a Coaxpress Camera connected to an imaworx CXP-12 Framegrabber.
    (I did modify the image resolution accordingly and set the camera simulator to false. I also loaded an acquisition applet that works in microDisplayX).
    However, I only get displayed Black images. What am I missing to get images from the real camera?

    I already added the following lines to check for cameras:

    sgc_init_flag = 0
    (err, sgc_handle) = s.Sgc_initBoard(fg,sgc_init_flag)
    cameracount = s.Sgc_getCameraCount(sgc_handle)
    print("camera count:", cameracount)
    (err, camhandle) = s.Sgc_getCamera(sgc_handle, 0)
    print("camera handle:", camhandle)

    this results however in (0) resp. (None)