Posts by agorgolewski


    I have a problem with a camera connection via the Basler camera SDK. Time required to establish a connection seems to be completly random and sometimes takes a huge amount of time.

    My current hardware setup:

    Frame Grabber: Basler marathon VF2

    Camera: Teledyne Dalsa Linea ML Mono 8k

    Interface: Camera Link HS

    Connection: Optic Fiber 280 kHz and SFP+ connectors

    While using MicroDisplayX I get a connection in a short period of time without any issues, however when I try to establish a connection with a camera via SDK problem appears. Time required varies from a few seconds to severa minutes.

    I performed all the steps in my software in accordance with the "SDK CHLS Extension Manual" and "SDK Manual":

    - Frame Grabber initialization with VisualApplet

    - Initialization of SGC connection

    - Scanning of card ports

    - Creation of camera holders

    - Camera connection

    The first problem occurs while calling Sgc_scanPorts function. It can’t detect the active camera on the ports. To find a camera we have to retry the call many times in a loop while using a wide range of mask values (0-255).

    After finding the device and setting the camera handlers, I try to connect to the camera via

    Sgc_connectCamera function. This is where my main problem arises, as the camera never connects immediately, instead I am getting the following information repeatedly:

    Error in SgcConnectCamera : Timeout occurred after 3 retrials

    Error in SgcConnectCamera : Camera doesn't accept the given stream packet size

    Error in SgcConnectCamera : Camera doesn't accept the given stream packet size

    Error in SgcConnectCamera : Camera doesn't accept the given stream packet size

    Error in SgcConnectCamera : Timeout occurred after 3 retrials

    Error in SgcConnectCamera : Timeout occurred after 3 retrials

    Error in SgcConnectCamera : Camera doesn't accept the given stream packet size

    Error in SgcConnectCamera : Camera doesn't accept the given stream packet size

    Error in SgcConnectCamera : Camera doesn't accept the given stream packet size

    Error in SgcConnectCamera : Camera doesn't accept the given stream packet size

    Error in SgcConnectCamera : Timeout occurred after 3 retrials

    Error in SgcConnectCamera : Timeout occurred after 3 retrials

    Error in SgcConnectCamera : Timeout occurred after 3 retrials

    Error in SgcConnectCamera : Timeout occurred after 3 retrials

    Error in SgcConnectCamera : Timeout occurred after 3 retrials

    Error in SgcConnectCamera : Timeout occurred after 3 retrials

    Error in SgcConnectCamera : Timeout occurred after 3 retrials

    Error in SgcConnectCamera : Timeout occurred after 3 retrials

    Camera connected…

    Connection parameters from MicroDisplayX:

    Stream packet size: 8192

    Link Speed: 10 Gb/s

    After establishing the connection, the camera works quite stable, I can access all GeniCam settings and perform image acquisition.

    Please find a screen of the used Applet below:
